Healthy Yards for Busy People
Saturday, 1/27/2024, 1-3pm
Please join us as we explore easy steps to establish a healthy yard that’s safe for you, your family and our community. Learn how to achieve soil health naturally with minimal effort and expense, small-space gardening with native pollinator species and edible landscaping!
This event will feature presentations about:
• Easily creating healthy soil for a great-looking, pesticide-free yard
• Planting native species for pollinators
• Including veggies and herbs in your garden
Information tables around the room will feature:
• Students from local school garden clubs
• Perinton Community Garden
• Where to find native pollinator seeds and plants
• Trusted online resources to help you dig a little deeper
• A display of books and other library resources
This is a free, public event co-hosted by Color Fairport Green and the Fairport Public Library.
All are welcome, but space is limited, so registration through the Fairport Public Library is required.
More information about topics discussed at this event:
Healthy Yards for Busy People ~ Resource List
"Create a Healthy Yard with Native Plants"
handout from Megan Meyer